It's 2018, and you're convinced that having office printers is a thing of the past for your company. So why would you or any of your employees require office printers, especially now that your company is paperless?
There's nothing wrong with ditching the paper. It's a terrific method to save space on your web server while also being environmentally friendly—especially when utilizing multifunction printers in the office (MFPs). It is not to mention how easier it is to share and update documents online rather than scan them manually.
However, being a 100% paperless company may not be as advantageous as you may believe. Even in this fast-paced digital age, we may still be creative with your laser printers Canada.

Your customers are not paperless.
Even if your office is paperless, that does not guarantee that all businesses and consumers are on board. Of course, your business structure differs from other companies, and eliminating office laser printers in Canada may not be as effective for them as it is for you.
Let us use the following as an example: Assume you work for an office supply firm and are in charge of sending monthly bills to your customers for the things they've purchased. You send your clients' invoices online, via PDF, because your company is digitally based and paperless.
Hard copies can last for a long time.
You don't need us to inform you that computers crash for various causes that we may never be able to predict. In the worst-case situation, your company's data, papers, and spreadsheets could be permanently deleted, leaving you scrambling and, more than likely, delaying the completion of critical projects.
Now, we're not suggesting that you preserve paper copies of every document your business creates; that would be excessive and unneeded. But what we're saying is that you should maintain physical copies of crucial personal and business data that you can't afford to lose. You can print essential documents on your workplace printers, such as financial paperwork, personnel information, and corporate policies.

Keeps the evidence in your hand
Depending on their personality type, some people prefer to work off a paper that they can physically touch and edit rather than gazing at it on a computer screen. Being able to highlight and handwrite comments on a document indeed has its advantages.
Providing your staff with the option of working on a tangible piece of paper produced from your office printer could potentially boost your organization's productivity.
Acts as a genuine mail
There has been a tendency to eliminate all printed items that used to arrive in our home and office mailboxes. Before the internet took off, our mailboxes were inundated with advertisements and mailers, which we would usually scan over and put in the garbage.
However, it appears that we moved from receiving an excessive amount of letters to receiving none at all. Even if it's only once in a while, it's still nice to get something in the mail that's addressed specifically to you.
Do not stop the growth of your business.
This growth of office printers for sale is a crucial reason for your business since it ties together the other four senses.
Don't you want to ensure that your company's products and services reach the most people possible? To accomplish so, you can't just target online markets with your advertising and promotional materials.
One of the simplest methods to immediately connect someone to your internet activities is to incorporate and distribute genuine print products (such as flyers and pamphlets). They will look you up further online after seeing your business on paper.
Don't allow the movement toward paperless offices to obliterate the value of using office printers. These steps will ensure that you understand how critical it is to have workplace printers, especially if you want your company to thrive. Absolute Toner aims to keep you up to date, mainly when accomplishing your sales and marketing objectives. Contact us today to discuss how office technology can help you win more business and provide you peace of mind with laser printers Canada.